ATTENTION Musicians & Songwriters:
🛑 If You’re Planning To Release An Album or EP In The Next Two Years,
Stop And Read This Right Now... 

Let Me Hold Your Hand And Guide You Step-By-Step As You

Create A Big Splash With Your Next Album or EP Release!

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a total technophobe or ‘scattered creative’ with a short attention span. Never again will you get overwhelmed or miss out on important PR or income opportunities… You’ll have the framework you need to create real buzz and generate sales for any new album.” 

Dear Indie Musician,

If you’d like to know a simple, step-by-step roadmap to take full advantage of your next album or EP release… without feeling paralyzed by overwhelm or missing out on key promotional opportunities…

Then here’s how I’ve done it...

(And, why you can too!)

Here’s the story:

My name is Bree Noble.

As a singer-songwriter, I had a successful 7-year touring career that included three album releases and various awards and distinctions. Via my podcast and my Profitable Musician Academy, I’ve helped thousands of independent artists grow their fan base and earn a higher income from their music.

Here’s why this is important for you:

For years, I’ve been answering questions from my Academy members about releasing music. I’ve also heard their frustrations about technology, digital overwhelm, and lack of knowledge on streaming services.

See, I know how to help them get out of that ‘analysis paralysis’ and release their music. But I also wanted to help them make their release count.

So many of them told me they had just "thrown it out there and hoped for the best" and that wasn't OK! I knew their music was good and deserved to be heard.

I knew if I could help them build the fan base they desired, they could keep making more music without the financial stress.

Bottom line:

You Get One Chance To Make A Splash With Your Release… But Most Artists Squander That Opportunity!

It’s true, believe me.

I’ve heard all the regrets.

There are many opportunities you will be VERY sad you missed out on if you don't understand the full release process.

Missing any one of these can cause your album to languish in obscurity, never reaching the ears of the fans who WANT to hear it!

It’s also very likely to mean you miss out on income opportunities and the chance to use the buzz around your release to grow your fanbase and get more recognition.

FAIL! 🤦‍♀️

The list of album release fails I hear about is long.

They range from not using streaming services to their full potential, to overlooking the money that can be raised via crowdfunding, pre-orders, and sponsorships, and not booking performances around your release.

Other artists aren’t maxing out what they could be doing in CD and merchandise sales, not hosting release parties, not leveraging digital sales and distribution, and not using singles to promote their album.

And I’m just scratching the surface...

These are only a few of the opportunities artists miss when releasing new music. That doesn’t mean you have to use all of them. It just means most releases have HUGE untapped potential.

If You’ve Ever Tried To Release An Album Before, You Know How Many Moving Parts There Are...

This is especially the case for independents who often lack the support they need.

It can feel like you have a million balls in the air, can’t it?

Let’s face it:

You’re going to encounter pitfalls along the way, such as:

  • Technology. A big sticking point for a lot of people, especially more mature artists. They’re overwhelmed by the sheer number of tools available today, and unsure of where to start, or how to use them.
  • Being a "scattered creative". You’re not a planner and operate mostly on instinct or inspiration rather than being organized.
  • You don’t have a system to organize tasks, so things fall through the cracks.
  • You lack guidance or someone telling you the "right" way to do things. So you’re always worried you’re going to do it wrong and mess it up.
  • It’s hard to operate in a vacuum. You feel alone and don't know if you have the leadership skills and ability to stick with the project to the end.

But, at the end of the day… 

It Doesn’t Matter How Amazing Your Recording Is…

If Nobody Hears It!

The good news?

Your album doesn’t have to suffer this fate.

I’ve since put together the most comprehensive (and maybe the ONLY) course in existence designed to show you, from start to finish, how to successfully release your next album. In this way, you don’t get the ‘deer in the headlights’ look -- or wind up releasing only to hear crickets!

I call it Rock Your Next Release.

And it reveals for the first time my complete 15-month framework for releasing your next album or EP.

This is the same framework that allowed me as an artist to…

  • Sell out my first 1000 CD’s and order more
  • Build my artist email list to 1300 emails
  • Recoup the cost of my holiday CD BEFORE release day
  • ​Get featured in magazines, radio interviews, and two local section covers of the orange county register
  • ​Hold profitable release parties
  • ​Book countless album support tours all over California

It’s for any musician who wants to use their release to grow their fanbase and build a sustainable music career.

Whether you’re a full-time musician wanting to expand your fan base and increase your music business income…

A part-time musician hoping to make a living from music…

Or a hobbyist looking to make a bigger impact...

Unless you have the framework to follow for releasing your music, you are doomed to be disappointed by the results, drop the ball on crucial parts of the process, and miss key opportunities.

Maybe you’ve put a ton of time and money into past releases, and didn’t generate the buzz or income you expected.

Maybe you’ve hired expensive PR agents, radio promoters, and playlist pluggers that promised big but didn’t deliver.

Even if you haven’t released music before and just want to make sure you do it right the first time...

This program is for you.

In a minute, I’ll tell you how you can learn this framework at absolutely NO RISK risk to you whatsoever.

But first, here’s a GLIMPSE of what you’ll discover in the program:

  • A complete 15-month timeline for successfully releasing an EP or Album (Best part: can easily be adapted to wherever you are in the process right now!)
  • Breakthrough training & guidance on PR, playlisting, branding, and booking live shows (Includes the 4 P’s required for success: planning, product, promotion, performing)
  • Release your next album or EP without regretting missed opportunities (Finally…have the peace of mind of knowing you’re doing it right. Simply check things off as you go and you WILL be successful)
  • 4 proven ways to attract hype and interest for ANY new music release
  • How to use your release to successfully “work” the streaming platforms and gain hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of raving fans! (Powerful! And it doesn’t have to be complicated. You’ll get step-by-step guidance even a newbie can follow)
  • Album or EP? Watch this before you decide!
  • A crucial, yet overlooked step in the recording process…and how to guarantee it happens (Warning: don’t miss this! You’ll kick yourself later if you do)
  • Easily manage expenses with my super simple budgeting tools and spreadsheets
  • 5 simple guidelines to planning your crowdfunding campaign (Crowdfunding can be a great way to expand your budget without coming out of pocket. Bonus: it gets fans more engaged with your release)
  • Little-known ways of using live performances to make your release even bigger
  • 8 simple questions you must ask yourself when planning your release (Imagine knowing you have your bases covered, including PR and promotion, merchandising, live performances, and hiring the right support players)
  • Simple tools you can use starting today to get organized faster (You’ll effortlessly blow through your to-do list!)
  • How the right producer can transform your songs…and how to find one! (Hiring the wrong producer is risky in a lot of ways, here’s how to make sure you get your perfect fit)
  • My exclusive scoring process to help you decide which songs to record (No more agonizing over what songs to choose and which ones to leave out)
  • A weird but effective way to ‘screen test’ your music with fans before it’s released (Lets you release your new music with confidence and better enjoy the process)
  • How to set up your accounts to collect songwriting and performance royalties (A great way to earn additional paydays on your release!)
  • A short list of useful contracts and how to draft them (Songwriter splits, producers, engineer/studio time, side musicians…you’ll need contracts for all of them. Plus, I’ll show you an affordable website where you can draft them!)
  • A very important (but almost unknown) “trick” to make sure you don’t overspend on studio time
  • One thing you MUST have to attract media coverage for your releases (Without this you’ll never get past the cluttered inboxes, ringing phones, and looming deadlines of the media)
  • 3 steps to branding your release using simple images (If used correctly, images can be amazing marketing tools)
  • The 4 music brand archetypes (And how to use them to promote your unique style)
  • The “hidden” psychology of color (How to pick your brand color, graphics and art-style…and a secret way to find brand-consistent images. You don’t need a designer. You can do this yourself!)
  • 3 great places to find affordable album art (A great album cover can make or break your release. Here’s how to ‘look the part’ without it costing an arm and a leg)
  • The “piggybacking” secret to attracting endless PR opportunities (Most artists never think to do this, but it’s incredibly easy once you get the hang of it)
  • Secret ways to use the major streaming services to…

Promote Your New Songs And Build Huge Anticipation For Your Release!

Let me level with you for a second.

It doesn’t matter if you’re ‘digitally impaired’ and a bit suspicious of streaming services.
They are one of the primary ways modern fans discover new music.

Bottom line, if you want to succeed in today’s market, your music NEEDS to be there.

But the good news is it doesn’t have to be intimidating.

I can show you how.

Follow along with the instructions in the course, which isn’t hard, and you’ll be amazed at all the new buzz you’re able to create for your releases (and how many new fans you’ll gain)! Simply watch the video on Spotify Playlisting to get started.

And I’m just getting warmed up.

Let’s keep going with a few MORE secrets you can expect to find in RYNR:

  • A quickie “idiot’s guide” on how to approach the media (You’ll instantly stand out from other artists who are struggling to get publicity)
  • Why mastering is a must if you want your music to sound great across all platforms (And a simple way to know the difference between mixing and mastering)
  • A simple email template you can use to get more Spotify followers on auto-pilot...while you build your email list!
  • ​Find venues for your release tour in 4 easy steps (Also, exactly how to approach them to land more gigs)
  • ​How to “pitch” bloggers and podcasters who can feature your music (Plus, a simple tool that lets you find dozens of your dream fit blogs and podcasts in just minutes)
  • ​The “insider” secrets of creating a kick butt media one-sheet (Get noticed, get more press, and get more sales for your album or EP!)
  • ​The costly email mistake you could be making that is killing your album sales!
  • ​The single, critical key to effectively working YouTube’s algorithm (And successfully promoting your music videos)
  • ​Clear and straightforward advice for highlighting your unique personality in the media (Especially if you’re introverted and tend to shy away from attention)
  • ​Why good-quality headshots are a MUST (Plus a simple tip that will make finding a good photographer 100% easier…and what to do if you don’t have the budget for professional headshots right now)
  • ​4 proven ways to use email to engage your fans in your release (Most people focus on the obvious, which is social media. But email can be far more profitable. Here’s how)
  • ​A simple, fill-in-the-blanks press release you can use to promote the launch of any new music
  • ​How to create an effective electronic press kit (You’ll immediately come across as more professional and marketable to the people who can help you get the word out)
  • ​How to build relationships with the press before pitching so they’re open to sharing your release (Easier than you think! Yet you’d amazed at how many artists miss this all-important first step)
  • ​How to use Facebook Ads and Messenger to build a highly engaged group of fans eager to buy your music (Even if you hate technology and you’re starting with just a handful of followers now)
  • ​Your video release strategy: leveraging the power of the world’s second largest search engine, YouTube
  • ​The easiest way to build your email list…and for free!
  • ​A simple “laundry list” of the best websites on the internet for merchandising (Also, 4 ways to sell more merch and exceed your sales targets!)
  • ​The biggest – and maybe most common – PR mistake artists make that will prevent your photos from being picked up by the media (And it’s an easy fix too.)
  • ​4 proven ways to structure PAID sponsorships for your release (And how to make saying ‘yes’ all but a no-brainer for your target businesses. This is such a simple way to fund your release process, yet so few artists do this)
  • ​The correct way to submit your single to Spotify Editorial (And other highly effective tactics to maximize your results with Spotify)
  • ​How to run a joint giveaway or cross promotion that instantly nets you a flood of new fans and followers
  • ​5 steps to going BIG on release day (Please…do not miss this! You’ve laid the foundation, now is the time to put our foot on the gas)
  • ​5 ways to keep the buzz going for months after your release!
  • ​The secret of using a Pre Order Campaign to sell a ton of CD’s BEFORE your album is even out! (Imagine being able to pay off the cost of your CD right off the bat. Wouldn’t it take all the stress off the actual release period?)

And there’s more. A LOT more. Including:

Five quick-start steps to getting your music on indie-friendly radio… Thumbnail secrets to get more clicks on your YouTube video… 10 easy steps to optimizing the recording process… A fun tool that lets you send a ton of traffic to your YouTube for free… 7 best practices for how to work with a mastering engineer… 5 things you must include in your crowdfunding pitch video… 8 things that should be in every band’s press kit… How to copyright your song in five easy steps… 12 underused merchandising ideas that help you monetize your fanbase… 6 ways to get the media to cover your events… A proven technique for boosting streams with a Spotify pre-save campaign… A single, little-used secret to boost the result of any email campaign…

And more!

Anyway, I could go on and on.

As you can see, I’ve left no stone unturned so you have everything you need to get the most out of your release process and successfully release your next album.

And with the simple, month-by-month checklists you just check things off as you go. You NEVER have to feel overwhelmed because you’ll always know the exact next step to do.

Everything about Rock Your Next Release will save you a ton of time and money when releasing your new album or EP. Plus you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’re not going to miss something important.

There’s no theory or “fluff” in any of this, either.

Rock Your Next Release contains only proven tactics, tools, and strategies being used successfully by artists like you in TODAY’S market – all laid out step-by-step so you’re never in doubt.

So how much is Rock Your Next Release?

Not nearly as much as you might think.

Especially when you consider that many musicians pay for expensive PR or promotional campaigns that cost thousands of dollars.

But you don’t even have to pay $1,000 today.

Your one-time investment for all these music marketing secrets is just $497.

(...or take advantage of our easy-pay option and pay three installments of $197!)

That’s a drop in the bucket compared to how much you stand to lose thanks to common mistakes and pitfalls that can easily be avoided.

Plus, the program ALSO comes with this risk-free guarantee:

Go through the checklists, tools, and training at your leisure for a FULL 14 DAYS without any risk. If at ANY time you don’t absolutely love what you see (for ANY reason)… if you aren’t 100% convinced this is EXACTLY what you need to make your next release your biggest and best yet… if you don’t instantly feel a new confidence blossoming inside you…

Just let us know.

Your money will be promptly returned (no questions asked).

You can get much more risk-free than that!

But time is short and you must HURRY.

There really isn’t anything else like this program out there, and we’re simply not going to continue offering it at this low price forever.

Click the button below to order right now:

Plus, here’s more:

If you order today, I’ll also send you the following RARE and EXTREMELY VALUABLE bonuses:

Your 7-Month Social Media & Email Plan (Including Suggested Post Themes)

If you’re like me, you hate staring at a blank page. You’re going to love this bonus. It’s your 7-month plan for what to post, when to get the most out of your release process. This includes ‘plug-and-play’ email and post templates you can use to build out your content marketing, so you’re never starting from scratch or lost for what to say.

A $297 value, I’ll send you the 7-Month Social Media & Email Plan FREE with your order of Rock Your Next Release today.

Customizable Budget Planning Spreadsheet

I wanted to make this process as automatic as possible for you. So to help you stay on top of expenses (a big key to a profitable release), I’m also including this done-for-you Budget Planning Spreadsheet. Simply fill-in-the-blanks as you go, and you’ll be miles ahead of 90% of artists who never do this.
A $197 Value, this too is included free with your order today.

Complete Booking & Follow-Up System

Say goodbye to scribbled notes on pieces of paper, post-it notes, and the back of random business cards! You’ll instantly be more on top of your follow up with these done-for-you templates that include tracking sheets for PR, radio & Spotify playlist contacts. In this way, you’ll have all your contacts in one place so all you need to do during your launch is deploy.

This Special Free Bonus has a Value of $297.

Live Monthly Q&A Call

Each month we will hold a live Q&A call during which we talk only about releases! I’m on these calls personally, so you can ask me any questions you might have and get help with anything that you’re stuck on. Even if you want my opinion on something, or to get feedback on your artwork, for example, we can do that too!
Literally anything that might come up for you during this process, we’ve got you covered! You’ll never again be without the support you need to make your release a huge success.
I could charge as much as $997 per year for these live small-group coaching calls, but if you join RYNR today you can attend as many of them as you want at no extra charge!


Get instant access to the Rock Your Next Single program! This shows you step-by-step how to get maximum hype and traction from releasing a new single. You will still have the overall framework you need to release your album or EP, but if you just want to get a song out, this will get you started.

My goal is to help you build a sustainable career or side gig from your music, but I understand if you might also want to see results right away. If that’s you, the Rock Your Next Single program is a great way to get the ball rolling and dovetails perfectly with releasing an album.

This program retails for $197 on our website.

But if I hear from you today…

I’ll Send It To You FREE! 

Each of these bonuses will make it even easier for you to implement the 15-month framework for your next release.

This makes your success with the program even more of a certainty.

But I’ll only be offering these exclusive bonuses for a VERY limited time.

So don’t wait!

I know you don’t want to look back on your next release and regret not making the most out of the time and investment you put into it.

Click the button below to join Rock Your Next Release and get the $1,785 in free bonuses I’m offering:

See you on the inside!
Bree Noble
Profitable Musician Academy


Why, as an independent musician, do I need a program like this one?
Simple. Without having the tools and support you need you’re likely to get overwhelmed, or stuck on technology, and miss important steps in the process. Having a framework to follow and a support system behind it will ensure you have everything you need to take advantage of the buzz created by a new release, win new fans and get attention for your music!
How can you help me attract new fans and get more album sales?
By showing you a simple, DIY process to get the most out of your recording, promotion, merchandising, PR. This is literally the easiest way to release a new album or EP, as all you need to do is follow along with the monthly checklists and training. You’ll never be in doubt as far as what to do next. And you’ll uncover new avenues of promotion you’ve never even heard of.
What makes this different from other ‘music marketing’ courses out there?
To my knowledge there isn’t a more comprehensive program for creating a splash with your next release. If you plan to release an album or EP any time in the next two years, you need this program! Not only will it save you a ton of time, but you’ll have the confidence of knowing that the money you are already investing into making music is being put to good use

What Others Are Saying...

"I can check things off and stay on track to release my songs!"

"Bree has everything laid out step by step. I know what I should be doing pre and post release. I know when to put my next song out, when to do the video and how the promotional process works. It's quantifiable progress because I can check things off and stay on track to release my songs."

-Gia Levee

"I feel relaxed knowing that I have this framework to fall back on. Whenever I feel doubtful of what to do next, I just check the framework. I definitely wouldn’t have gotten as serious about pursuing opportunities without this framework."

-Oscar Harfush

"wouldn't have gotten as serious about pursuing opportunities without this framework!"

"got funding from an anonymous donor!"

"As a result of the Rock Your Next Release framework, my creative plan and my budget, I was able to get funding from an anonymous donor. Now I have a budget where I can look at working with a PR Agency, Social Media Manager and a Professional Arranger. I'm excited about all the possibilities."

-Karen Lyu

"I did want to tell you how much Alisha (my daughter) and I appreciate your training. She’s releasing her first EP next week. We’ve been following your approach, and the results have been amazing. I didn’t want another day to go by without saying, 'Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving so much of you. You are amazing!'"

-Susan Liston & Alisha Liston

"results have been amazing"

"love the monthly checklists"

"I've moved my release date back so I can use this system to do it right. I especially love the monthly checklists, spreadsheets & other administrating helps to keep my brain from going in circles."

-Camille Parkman

"This course is rocking and helping me so much. It feels like lesson by lesson you are demystifying this huge, overwhelming process."

-Athena Burke

"demystifying this huge, overwhelming process"

"easy-to-understand approach"

"This program has saved me from missing out on many important opportunities. I love Bree's well-ordered, easy-to-understand approach. If you follow the system you will be successful."

-Sarah Baker

"My new single is scheduled for release on June 28th.... And I recorded , arranged and produced it myself in my home. I never ever imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be capable of doing this. NONE of this would have been possible without Bree Noble who has been the connecting force for my blossoming confidence and skills, not to mention the upcoming tour dates I have booked."

-Lisa Richards

"never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be capable of doing this"

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